25+ Magical Book Covers That Will Ignite Your Imagination

Diane Callahan
14 min readJul 26, 2022
25+ Magical Book Covers That Will Ignite Your Imagination (over the covers for The Firekeeper’s Daughter, The Lost Apothecary, Foundryside, and Obsidian)

Cover design is an art unlike any other. A designer must convey the story’s heart and tone through color schemes, composition, typeface, and imagery — all so that a reader will be compelled to buy the book. The visuals and text need to work in tandem while also fitting within the novel’s genre conventions and current trends.

Every week, I spotlight a different magical book cover in the Magic, Mystery, & Mayhem Facebook group that I run, with a focus on fantasy. This list is the culmination of months’ worth of collecting and curating.

I’m in awe of the imagination and beauty found in these designs. Although I haven’t read all of these books, their enticing covers make me itch to open them and discover what’s hidden in their pages.

1. THE BINDING by Bridget Collins (designed by Micaela Alcaino)

THE BINDING by Bridget Collins
THE BINDING by Bridget Collins

Through colors and shading, illustrations can convey texture in fascinating ways. Cover designer Micaela Alcaino was inspired by her own collection of old, beautiful hardbacks. Gold-foiled leather-bound books are a focal point in the story as well.



Diane Callahan
Diane Callahan

Written by Diane Callahan

Fiction writer and editor, a.k.a. YouTuber Quotidian Writer. www.quotidianwriter.com

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